authentic environments
At STORIA, we believe that the environments we design should be an extension of yourself, in order to elevate your way of being, and living. We put all our energy into understanding your personality, creating spaces that reflect and materialize your identity, and your character.
We have a deep passion for creating timeless environments that articulate a unique story. Your story.
Margarida Marques da Costa
Founder & Storiateller
At Storia we challenge the status quo. Our goal is to ensure confidently that, regardless of the client's investment, there is always a high return on a properly structured job.
As design professionals, we admire how each element of a space evokes different sensations and reactions in each person. Our goal is to create what will be your ideal atmosphere.
We aim to know your habits, your aspirations and your personality. Then we start a dynamic creative process, in which through moodboards - for us, personality boards - we define the identity and style of your project. personality boards - we define the identity and style of your project.
Our perspective
The services
exclusivity, style and 3D
Complete service with exclusive and personalized design, based on the briefing, lifestyle and identity of the clients.
Interior remodeling service, from the architectural restructuring of the interiors to the cladding and fixed furniture.
Design and re-styling intervention and curating decorative details, for a new look of your home.
our projects
Our design favors an elegant and contemporary aesthetic, rich in colors, textures and unique details, designed for you, in an entirely personalized way.
At Storia, we design for people. Therefore, we believe that continuous communication allows you to bring your vision closer to ours, so that you feel confident and involved in the various stages of the project.